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"Understanding Dyscalculia" - What is it? What causes it? What are the symptoms? How is it diagnosed? What can be done?
"Quiz: Could Your Child Have Dyscalculia?" - Short but Thorough Quiz
"I'm Concerned My Child Has Dyscalculia. Now What?" - A Step-By-Step Guide 
"What's the Difference Between Dyscalculia and Math Troubles Associated with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia?" - Outlining the Three Different Types of Difficulities 
"How Can I Tell If My Child Has Been Misdiagnosed With Dyscalculia?" - What To Do
"4 Ways Dyscalculia Can Affect Your Child's Social Skills" - Infographic
"Skills Affected by Dyscalculia" - Infographic  
"5 Common Myths About Dyscalculia" - Slideshow 
"Checklist: How to Help With Dyscalculia" - At Home, At School, From Outside Resources
"At a Glance: Classroom Accommodations for Dyscalculia" - Infographic 
"Treatment Options for Dyscalculia" - Treatment Options (Medical and Non-Medical) 
A.D.D./ A.D.H.D
"Classroom Accommodations for Math Learning Disabilities"- Advice for Successful Learning
"ADHD in Children" -Overview, Symptoms and Subtypes, Causes, Myths and Facts, Brain Functions, Personal Stories, Diagnosis, Treatment, ADHD at School and more!
"10 Holiday Stressors for Kids With Learning and Attention Issues" - Very Helpful and Informative! 
"Dr. Amen's 7 Types of ADHD" - Redefining ADHD
"5 ADHD Trouble Spots and How to Avoid Them" - Slideshow
"6 Common Myths About ADHD" - Slideshow
"The Experiences of ADHD in Childhood: I Have Always Felt Different" - Hear from 16 College Students Reflecting Back on Their Childhoods 
"Why We Feel So Intensely: Understanding ADHD Emotions" - Slideshow
"Getting an ADHD Diagnosis: 3 Common Mistakes" - Two Pages of Important Information 
"Books For Tweens and Teens on Learning and Attention Issues" - Slideshow
"The New Way to Study With ADHD" - Learn Faster and Retain More!
"7 Rules for Using ADHD Medications Safely" - List with Examples 
"ADHD Diagnosis" - The Good, The Bad, and The Parent's Role" - Everyone Has a Role
"Decades of Failing to Recognize ADHD in Girls Has Created a 'Lost Generation' of Women"
"ADHD and Anger: What You Need to Know" - Covering everything From stress to medication!
"Different Professionals Who Help Kids With ADHD" - Comparison Chart 
"At a Glance: Therapies That Can Help Kids With Learning and Attention Issues" - Infographic
"Children With ADHD: Foods to Consider Cutting Out" - Examples and Explanations 
"How Different Types of Tutoring Can Help Kids With Learning and Attention Issues" - Comparison Chart
"Thank You, Pixar: Why Inside Out Is Great for Kids With Attention Issues" -Blog Post by Special Education Consultant
A.D.D./ A.D.H.D
Asperger's Syndrome
Asperger's Syndrome
Autism Spectrum
Behaviour and Learning
"Understanding Dyslexia" - What is it? What are the symptoms? Treatment? Resources and More!
"Warning Signs of Dyslexia" - From Pre-school to Adulthood
"20 Things Only Parents of Children with Dyslexia Would Understand" - Informative List!
"The Dyslexia Toolkit" - A Resource Provided By The National Centre for Learning Disabilities
"A Dyslexic Child in the Classroom" - Specific Focus on Math and Other Subjects
"8 Tips for Introducing Dyslexia to Your Child" - The Rationale and What to Say
"How to Teach a Dyslexic Child Math" - Anchor Charts, Personal Story, and Techniques
"5 Things Not to Say to Your Child About Dyslexia" - Slideshow 
"Diagnosing Dyslexia From Its Strengths" - Looking at Strengths Rather Than Potential Problem-Areas
"Clues to Dyslexia" - Helpful Checklist Categorized by Grade Level 
"How to Get The School System To Support Your Child With Dyslexia" - Do's and Don'ts
"Dyslexia: What It Is and Isn't" - Why It Often Gets Confused With Other Learning Difficulties
"Different Types of Dyslexia" - Dyslexia Shows Itself In Many Ways 
"20 Tips For Nuturing Gifted Children" - Comprehensive List and Visual Chart Detailing the Differences between High Achievers, Gifted Learners, and Creative Thinkers
"20 Signs Your Child May Be Gifted" - Characteristic Traits 
"Characteristics Checklist for Gifted Children" - Looks At a Wide Variety of Skills and Abilities 
"Gifted Children's Challenges With Learning and Attention Issues" - The Challenges and How to Help
"Checklist: What to Ask Schools About Twice-Exceptional Kids" - Having Two Learning Identities/Needs
Working Memory and Processing
Multisensory Learning
"Multisensory Instruction: What You Need to Know" - What is It? How does it work? What are the benefits?
"Make Multisensory Learning Materials" - Techniques and Learning Methods
"Garden Math Activities for Kids: Adventures in Learning" - Getting Outdoors and Learning About Math!
"25 Math Activities For Kids Who (Think They) Hate Math" - Multi-sensory Math Ideas 
"Math Games for Kids" - So Many Fun and Engaging Ideas!
"Why Kids Need to Move, Touch and Experience to Learn" - A Fascinating Read!
"Sensory Break Ideas" - A List of 40 Explaining What They Are and How to Use Them! 
Multisensory Learning
Math Tips
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